Russian Legislature Says Nuke Would Be inevitable If The US Or NATO Forces Entered Eastern Ukraine
Russian nuke If this could happen, it would be the greatest ignition of mother of all wars. This time, virtually every nation would be involved, and it would be devastating. And could annihilate billions of human on the face of the earth. Don't be surprise, it is part of bible prophecy, their would come a time when the worst war would be fought, which is WORLD WAR III. This war would bring about the end. From Defenseone Russia would be forced to use nuclear weapons in any conflict in which U.S. or NATO forces entered eastern Ukraine, a member of Russia’s parliament told an international gathering of government security officials on Sunday. “On the issue of NATO expansion on our borders, at some point I heard from the Russian military — and I think they are right — If U.S. forces, NATO forces, are, were, in the Crimea, in eastern Ukraine, Russia is undefendable militarily in case of conflict without using nuclear weapons in the early stage of the conflict,” ...