Ex-muslim Man Writes Open And A Warning Letter To Christians
His name is Ishaku Abdul'rahman Mohammed, he converted to Christianity and in his writings he has been exposing the evil planned work of Muslims to turn Nigeria into a full Islamic nation. He calls the gullible Christian "senseless" and advises them not to be lured into changing their religion. His first letter narrates the way they have it underway to make Nigerian an Islamic nation. And in his second letter he explains, with Islamic illustration why Muhammadu Buhari (present Nigerian President) is making some of his moves without caring about the feelings and sensibilities of Christians in Nigeria. **How Christians themselves will be used by Muslims to Islamize Nigeria** Ishaku Abdul’rahman Mohammed now a Christian wrote this letter to the senseless Christians to begin to use their brains. From what I see today in Nigeria I am very certain that Muslims would not need to use a violent jihad to Islamize Nigeria. Christians themselves will be used by Muslims to Islam...