Ex-muslim Man Writes Open And A Warning Letter To Christians

His name is Ishaku Abdul'rahman Mohammed, he converted to Christianity and in his writings he has been exposing the evil planned work of Muslims to turn Nigeria into a full Islamic nation. He calls the gullible Christian "senseless" and advises them not to be lured into changing their religion. His first letter narrates the way they have it underway to make Nigerian an Islamic nation. And in his second letter he explains, with Islamic illustration why Muhammadu Buhari (present Nigerian President) is making some of his moves without caring about the feelings and sensibilities of Christians in Nigeria.

**How Christians themselves will be used by Muslims to Islamize Nigeria**

Ishaku Abdul’rahman Mohammed now a Christian wrote this letter to the senseless Christians to begin to use their brains. From what I see today in Nigeria I am very certain that Muslims would not need to use a violent jihad to Islamize Nigeria. Christians themselves will be used by Muslims to Islamize Nigeria. Afterwards the Muslims will turn against the Christians that helped them. These are the type Muslims call the useful idiots.

Just ask yourself how Muslim nations became Islamic nations? Is there any record of them doing evangelical work? Did they tell people about how wonderful their prophet Mohammed is? How he raped women? How he beheaded nine hundred Jews in one day? How he had sex with a nine-year old girl? How he was demon possessed for one year? How he could not perform a miracle? How he is a prophet without a prophecy? How he sold slaves for weapons of war?

If Muslims did not do evangelism how come there are 58 nations of the world who say they are Islamic countries? Including countries that used to be Christian countries.
President Muhammadu Buhari 
Many Christians will be lured with money to change to Muslim and by boyfriend girlfriend and inter marriage. Remember, the project is being sponsored by Saudi Arabia and Nigeria government therefore; money to convert Christians to Muslim will not be a problem. Please don’t tell me you can never be lured with money.

**Ways to Islamize Nigeria**

– Buhari just registered Nigeria in the Islamic coalition against terrorism led by Saudi Arabia.

– The first major conference Buhari would bring to Nigeria is the International Islamic Conference

– Muslims are now using El Rufai Kaduna state as a test case to see how they can stop Christians from preaching the gospel not even for you to listen to a gospel message in your car. Who knows they may even ban gospel music.

– Other northern states are copying Mr El Rufai’s law.

– Fulani herdsmen are sacking Christian villages in the north.

– The only minister to have died under Buhari happens to be a Christian

– The only minister to have died under Buhari happens to be a Christian

**How I converted to Christianity**

I used to be a Muslim but now a Christian. I have been in hiding because anyone born a Muslim and converts to Christianity has a death sentence on his head. It is even worse now that they know I have decided to reveal their hidden agenda to the Nigerian Christians who stupidly voted Buhari.

So much has happened since my last letter and God willing, I will continue to educate you as things unfold. Please pray for me because the forces of darkness are arrayed against me for telling the truth. And if you ever hear that I get killed don’t weep for me. Just know I have finished my race and am with the Lord Jesus. The same Jesus I rejected all my life as Muslim. The same Jesus I called a prophet of Allah who is a little lower that the false prophet Mohammed. To Jesus alone to be all the praise, glory and honor for saving me from the satanic cult called Islam. I now worship this same Jesus and will do so till am expire.

Matthew  16:18 "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."


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