
Showing posts from October, 2018

Quran Lied, claimed it was Ishmael that Abraham wanted to sacrifice To God instead of Isaac

I never knew this before until I watched an Islamic video where they lied that it was Ishmael that God told Abraham to sacrifice. I also heard it when an alpha was preaching and claiming the same thing.  Now come to think of this, God is a perfect God. Why is God so perfect? It is because He is so holy and He is name is also called 'Holy' in the Bible. If God makes promises to anyone, He is bound to fulfil it. Unlike when men make promises, they might end not fulfilling it. Man can't be trusted but God can be trusted because the Bible says with all things are possible. He created all things as well. He can kill and make alive, He can wound and as well heal.  Now in the Bible, God created Adam and gave Eve as a wife to Adam. God's true acceptance of marriage was one wife and one husband and not otherwise. The purpose of God choosing Abraham and Sarah was because they fits His plan of redemption for mankind. Abraham was a man of one wife, even though he came from an ...