Mystery Of Iniquity: Porn Graphic In Cartoon Network, Our Children In Great Danger

What is really going on in this world? Does it mean their is no more regulation for most of the cartoons these days. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this cartoon displaying adult scene in one of their cartoon shows. 

Now, what would they say this is....a kind of mistake or what? We are now heading towards the time of the end where everything goes. When the devil overwhelmes our children with all sorts of iniquity, then their love for their parents, fellow human, friends and families would die. And when their is no such agape love in them, they grow up hurting everyone in different ways.

Matthew 24:12 KJV
"And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold."

I remember watching cartoons while going up, you don't get to see such negative graphics on cartoon programmes or even movies. But these days, if you don't include Porn images on movies, you will hardly sell. Now they have moved to cartoon to polite the minds of children. 

Our children are now in great danger of the future. Where do we hide them and who do we hide from? We have been seeing so many atrocities committed against the children in this recent times. 

Paedophilia has become the order of the day. Nobody cares about the state of mind of the children. Children are being enslaved into prostitution, drug trafficking etc. And the world government don't even care anymore. 

One thing we need to know is that, it would get worse. Even some government officials, religious leaders etc are also involved in paedophilia. It has eaten deep in the heart of many adult to have amorous relationship with children. 

These days many adult indulge in paedophilia. We have heard of parents who also molest their children whether male or female. The worst part of it is that their is no fear, shame or shyness in messing around with children. It is gradually becoming a norm.

Cartoon Porn Images 
The worst part of it is that, Porn videos, graphic has a demon behind to ruin any human not minding their age. When you or anyone get involved in Porn you will likely be possessed by the demon behind Porn and that is the spirit of immorality. Therefore, if our children are exposed to this evil, it would be devastating for every family. Hope you know what that means. It would yield children with all sorts of knowledge of immorality. 

If you are a parents, watch over your children. They are no lore save these days. We are in a time the Bible calls, "perilous time", only God will can save us from this untoward generation. 

2 Timothy 3:1 KJV
"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come."


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