ISIS Fed Yazidi Lady With Her Own Baby Unknowing To Her And She Ate It

Luke 21:31-32 KJV " So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. [32] Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled ." This is animalistic behaviour of an emerging generation that is satanically possessed. Is this a human act? No act can only emerge from people who are not human but demons. What is it that is driving humans to act like this manner? A particularly horrific story has emerged out of the genocide ISIS has been perpetrating against the minority Yazidi population of northern Iraq Vian Dakhil, an Iraqi Parliament member who is also Yazidi, has reportedly revealed on television how a starved ISIS sex slave had been tricked into eating her own child, notes the New York Daily News . The Sun quotes the lawmaker as saying, "One of the women we managed to retrieve from ISIS said that she was held in a cellar for three days without food or water...