Western Leaders Are Satan Worshippers, Says Putin
Sometimes looking at what is happening today in the world we live in. You don't need anyone to tell you that this world is a satanic world. A world where by virtually the government are in support of evil in every area. Am I surprise at what putin said or his opinion? No! Even the Bible prophecies about it, that the world will prefer the devil to the God that created all things. Are we now beginning to see the Antichrist unraveling his works gradually. It seems we are now coming coming to the climax of evil which bring about the the manifestation of "The Antichrist?" only time will tell, nevertheless, the Antichrist must surely come. In his (Putin) 2016 Christmas speech, which went unreported in the West, and can't be found in full online, Putin confirmed everything "Conspiracy theorists" have said. Civilized moral values have been eroded and the door opened for pedophilia. "In the West, the moral basis of and any traditional ident...