Don't Be Surprised When You Start Seeing Ads On Your WhatsApp Apps Soon

I don't think that this is surprising to me. I expected it! I don't know if you did like me? How will a an app with such large number of users wouldn't allow adds on it, that is impossible. Considering the fact that, their is economic downturn all over the world today. Therefore every company will always device a way to up their streams of income. 

So long your company is being bought by an advertising  company, what do you expect; you will you are probably going to end up selling advertising. In 2012 WhatsApp policy was that they won't sell ads, they claim ads are bad. In 2014, Facebook surfaced and wanting to by it for $22 billion, WhatsApp agreed, it was a done deal. In 2016, they claim they will use WhatsApp data to help Facebook sell ads. 

Their is no doubt that things change as time passes buy. Nothing is static, their would always be a time when companies would change policies, guess this is the time. If I am in their shoes, I would also do the same. Of course, sell ads. That is turns of returns

Just ask Mark Zuckerberg, who used to have a problem with ads that tracked what you did on the Web, but doesn’t anymore.

Now WhatsApp CEO (and Facebook board member) Jan Koum appears to be on a similar evolution.

In 2012, Koum kicked off a blog post called "Why we don't sell ads” by quoting Tyler Durden, the fictional, anti-advertising “Fight Club” anarchist, and then ramped up the rhetoric from there.

“Advertising isn't just the disruption of aesthetics, the insults to your intelligence and the interruption of your train of thought. At every company that sells ads, a significant portion of their engineering team spends their day tuning data mining, writing better code to collect all your personal data, upgrading the servers that hold all the data and making sure it's all being logged and collated and sliced and packaged and shipped out .... And at the end of the day the result of it all is a slightly different advertising banner in your browser or on your mobile screen. Remember, when advertising is involved you the user are the product.”

Koum also explained that “Your data isn't even in the picture. We are simply not interested in any of it.”

Now, a couple years into his Facebook time, Koum’s thinking has changed. He will share WhatsApp data with Facebook for several reasons. One of them: That way, Facebook can show WhatsApp users better ads.

“Facebook can offer better friend suggestions and show you more relevant ads if you have an account with them. For example, you might see an ad from a company you already work with, rather than one from someone you've never heard of.”

Standard stuff, and inevitable once Facebook acquired the company. Facebook is in the enviable position of not having to turn its $22 billion acquisition into a money-maker overnight. But it’s impossible for Facebook to see a giant user base like WhatsApp and not try to ... turn it into a product.

Meanwhile, WhatsApp still doesn’t show ads to its users, and it still promises not to show them “third-party banner ads and spam.”

Which is different from pledging to never show its users any ads at all. I asked a WhatsApp rep if they could make that promise. They declined to comment.



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