
Showing posts from May, 2015

Chrislam Infiltrates Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey has been accused of "denial of the Lordship of Jesus Christ" after the prophet Muhammad was described as "the chosen one" in a prayer at a First World War service. The Abbey, which is a Royal Peculiar under the personal jurisdiction of the Queen and outside the Church of England's diocesan structures, included a Turkish prayer in the recent service of commemoration and thanksgiving marking the centenary of the Gallipoli campaign. The Archbishop Cranmer noted that God was thanked in the Abbey, and referred to as Allah, and there was no problem with that because Allah is simply Arabic for 'The God'. "We may quibble over conflicting doctrines and cavil over contradictory revelations, but if St Paul can address a meeting of the Areopagus and exhort the incipient virtue in the ignorance of Athenian religiosity, whether you call the Creator of the universe 'God', 'Jehovah', 'YHWH', 'I Am' or 'Allah...

Girl Scouts of America Goes Transgender

Conservatives are furious over the Girl Scouts new policy to begin accepting boys who choose to dress as girls. The Blaze Reported: Titled, “The Meaning of ‘Serving All Girls,’” and written by Dr. Andrea Bastiani Archibald, who is identified as a “chief girl expert,” the blog post opens by explaining the Girl Scouts’ history of embracing and supporting girls since its founding in 1912. But it is the definition of “girl” that some are taking issue with, considering Bastiani’s comments about diversity and gender identity. “If a girl is recognized by her family, school and community as a girl and lives culturally as a girl, Girl Scouts is an organization that can serve her in a setting that is both emotionally and physically safe,” the blog post reads. “Inclusion of transgender girls is handled at a council level on a case by case basis, with the welfare and best interests of all members as a top priority.” Bastiani continues, “As we face a complex and rapidly changing 21st cen...

Pope calls “Palestinian” leader Abbas an “angel of peace”

This “angel of peace” last November praised the murderer of a rabbi, saying the killer would go to Paradise as a martyr. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, eh, Your Holiness? The Catholic Church has survived a lot of things over the last 2,000 years, and so I would never say it will not survive its current confusion of the aggressor with the victim and cowardice with civility. I would never say that it will not be able to overcome its stupid and self-defeating infatuation with “dialogue” — despite the fact that this “dialogue” has had absolutely zero positive effect in easing the Muslim persecution of Christians worldwide. I would never say it will not be able to overcome its unconscionable aiding and abetting of the genocidal “Palestinian” jihad against Israel. Far be it from me to say that the Church’s willful ignorance and denial about the teachings of the Qur’an and Islam in general are going to result in the deaths of millions of Catholics — deaths that could have ...

ISIS Leader: ‘Islam Is the Religion of War’

ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has released a call to arms which asks Muslims everywhere to physically join ISIS in the area it now controls or simply take up the struggle against unbelievers wherever they are. ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi The title of the message “March Forth Whether Heavy or Light” comes from a verse in the Koran which calls on believers to “strive with your wealth and your lives in the cause of Allah.” In Baghdadi’s view that striving is ISIS’s war against unbelievers. “O Muslims, Islam was never for a day the religion of peace. Islam is the religion of war,” al-Baghdadi says, according to an English language transcript of the speech promoted by ISIS-affiliated social media accounts. The transcript, which was posted online at Downrange, portrays Islam’s Muhammad as a warrior: Where are you in relation to your Prophet (peace be upon him), whom you claim to emulate, and who spent his whole life (peace be upon him) as a mujāhid for the cause of Allah, fig...

Vatican to Recognize Palestinian State in New Treaty

JERUSALEM — The Vatican announced Wednesday that it would soon sign a treaty that includes recognition of the “state of Palestine,” lending significant symbolic weight to an intensifying Palestinian push for international support for sovereignty that bypasses the paralyzed negotiations with Israel. Pope Francis at the Vatican in 2014 with Presidents Shimon Peres of Israel, left, and Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority. Palestinian leaders celebrated the Holy See’s endorsement as particularly important, given the international stature of Pope Francis. For Israelis, it was an emotional blow, since Francis has deep relationships with Jews dating back decades, and Christians are critical backers of their enterprise. “The Vatican is not just a state. The Vatican represents hundreds of millions of Christians worldwide, including Palestinians, and has vast moral significance,” said Husam Zomlot, a senior Palestinian foreign-affairs official. Israel’s Foreign Ministry said it was...

Denmark is set to become the first country in the world to make cash payments obsolete

DENMARK is on track to become the world’s first cashless nation, with its government pushing to free some stores, restaurants and petrol stations from accepting cash payments. The proposal to scrap cash transactions is part of a package of cost-saving measures being introduced ahead of the Danish election in September, the Independent reports. It is understood the government is hoping to get rid of the option to pay by cash by as early as 2016. Nearly a third of all Danish citizen prefer to use Danske Bank’s official app, MobilePay, to pay for services and transactions, and it is expected that the proposal will be met with little opposition. Financial institution lobbyist Finansraadet said that going cashless would save retailers money on security, in addition to time when counting money at closing of business day. The Danish Chamber of Commerce (Dansk Erhverv) also supported the move, saying it was time shops were given the option of going cash-free. “Society has changed so ...

Wiles: ‘American Pharaoh’ Winning Derby Means Obama Is Anti-Christ

Only with a Muslim in the White House could a horse named “American Pharaoh” win the Kentucky Derby, reasons end times broadcaster Rick Wiles. Self-proclaimed prophet Mena Lee Grebin joined Rick Wiles on his “Trunews” program yesterday to discuss various angelic visitations and divinely inspired visions she has experienced that have warned her of an imminent economic collapse and the coming of the Last Days. Grebin told Wiles that President Obama “brought a curse on us” and doomed America with what she said are anti-Israel policies, noting that while she doesn’t think Obama is the Antichrist, he is “our Antichrist.” Wiles agreed that Obama is bringing America down and is a forerunner of the Antichrist. As proof, he cited the results of the Kentucky Derby: “He has a spirit of Antichrist operating in him, he is America’s pharaoh. Interestingly, the horse American Pharaoh won the horse race Saturday, another little sign to America, there’s been many of them over the years since Obama...

Syria: Isis take turns hacking men to death with a machete for ‘insulting Allah’

Isis terrorists murdered two men in the Syrian city of Homs accusing one of being a spy and the second of insulting god. A group of more than a dozen men were forced to stand in a semi-circle around the atrocity, which was filmed and then uploaded onto the internet. The killer, who is not wearing a mask, used a three-foot-long, curved machete with a wooden handle to murder the men. The first victim, pictured, was accused of working on behalf of the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad The second man, pictured, is murdered by the second executioner after he was accused of ‘insulting God’ A group of more than a dozen men were forced to stand and witness the shocking murders earlier today The first victim was blindfolded and had his hands tied behind his back and ordered to lean forward by a man with a Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle. The first victim was accused by Isis of working with Bashar al-Assad’s regime and killed. The second was murdered minutes later by a different exec...

ALERT: Silent “Killer” Bug Imported Across the Border Being Called the “New AIDS”

Illegal aliens who cross the border into the United States not only bring with them an added strain on our economy, drugs and increased risk to border security officers, but they have another gift for us — a deadly bug that infects humans with what’s being called the “new AIDS.” The Reduviid bug, also known as the “kissing bug” due to its tendency to bite people on the face, has made its way into the United States with several confirmed cases in Houston. Doctors have dubbed it the “silent killer,” as the bug strikes in the middle of the night and the symptoms of a bite are usually not detected by the average doctor. The nasty little bug carries the Trypanosoma cruzi parasite, which can cause Chagas disease in humans. Since people don’t typically feel sick after being infected, treatment isn’t sought and even if it was, health care workers would not know to test for it. Chagas can result in intestinal complications, heart failure and causes heart disease in about thirty percent o...

EXCLUSIVE Source: Saudi Regime Planning to Execute Sheikh Nimr on May 14

TEHRAN (FNA)- Riyadh plans to execute the prominent Shiite cleric, Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr, on May 14, an informed Saudi source disclosed on Wednesday. "The Saudi regime plans to execute Sheikh Nimr on the death anniversary of Nayef bin Abdullah, the former Saudi crown prince," the source, who spokes on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of his information, told FNA on Wednesday. He said the new King and his hawkish cabinet members mean to send a message to the Shiite community, dissidents and Iran through the move to show they are ready to pay any price in confrontation with Tehran. Iran has repeatedly denied any link with the Shiite dissidents in Saudi Arabia. The source said the Saudi rulers know that the move will engulf the monarchy in the flames of unrest and they might have to pay a heavy price for the execution of Sheikh Nimr, and they have prepared riot combat plans after consultations with several western security experts. Nimr was attacked an...

The Final Poke In God's Eye? - Obama To Support Palestinian State At UN Security Council

Zecharia 2:8 "For this is what the LORD Almighty says: "After the Glorious One has sent me against the nations that have plundered you--for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye" DEBKAfile reports exclusively from Washington: US President Barack Obama did not wait for Binyamin Netanyahu to finish building his new government coalition by its deadline at midnight Wednesday, May 6, before going into action to pay him back for forming a right-wing cabinet minus any moderate figure for resuming negotiations with the Palestinians. Banking on Netanyahu assertion while campaigning for re-election that there would be no Palestinian state during his term in office, Obama is reported exclusively by our sources to have given the hitherto withheld green light to European governments to file a UN Security Council motion proclaiming an independent Palestinian state. Although Netanyahu left the foreign affairs portfolio in his charge and available to be filled by a suitabl...