NWO (Antichrist Government): Martial Law In The Soul

John  14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.  14:7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him."

The New World Order is not
just a temporal empire.
It is a form of mental and
spiritual bondage: satanic possession.

"Humanity is being inducted into a satanic cult. The front lines of this war are not soldiers or police, but advertising, TV, music, pornography, movies, everything that degrades us and wastes our time."

When we think of the "New World Order," we imagine loss of freedom, martial law and dictatorship. This focus distracts us from the true spiritual character of the NWO.

The enemy is already within the gates.  We don't need to fear solders and guns as much as our own animal nature, our greed, vanity and lust, which the NWO does everything to foster.

Are we free? If not, what stands in our way, guns or our incessant desires?

The NWO uses our desires to enslave us. Our penury is spiritual. We are beggars always looking for the next handout, addicts craving the next hit. This is satanic possession.

"We aspire to corrupt in order to govern," said Giuseppe Mazzini.

The Protocols of Zion noted with satisfaction that the mood in the big cities was "cold and forlorn."

Humanity is being inducted into a satanic cult. The front lines of this war are not soldiers or police, but advertising, television, movies, music, pornography, everything that degrades us and wastes our time. Of course, there are some movies, TV and music that are exceptions, but they are becoming rarer. 

Mankind has been colonized by a satanic cult, the Illuminati (Cabalism.) This is both an economic and spiritual servitude. God has been stolen from us, and we must worship money and things instead, with sex a close second.

Christmas, which once celebrated the God of Love, has become a pagan orgy of mass consumption. Its Christian origin and meaning have been erased by our masters.

I have a wealthy friend who drives a battered old car and lives in an apartment. I asked him why he continues to chase the buck.

He replied: "It's a way of keeping score. What else am I going to do?" Is he free?
Why are so many rich people are so stingy?  Because they feel poor.

I don't fear dictatorship or martial law. Too hard to maintain. It's far easier to let people enslave themselves.


The Illuminati bankers control the corporations who control the politicians and the media. If we were serious about "freedom and democracy," central banks would be nationalized and the "national debt" renounced. Political campaigns would be publicly financed.

The Dept of Homeland Security and NSA are there to ensure this doesn't happen. They're not there to protect us from "terrorists." They protect the one per cent: the central bankers and the corporate empire they control.

Our focus should be on resisting the toxic influence of a society that is devolving into a satanic cult. For many, this will involve a reaffirmation of Christian or Muslim teachings and values. For others, it will involve studying Eckhart Tolle or seeking inspiration from soul expanding drugs.

The tyranny of the NWO is satanic possession. Whatever path we choose, resistance involves raising ourselves to the light.

It boils down to what we devote our days to: money or God. I equate God with spiritual ideals of bliss, love, truth, beauty, justice and peace.

By Henry makow. Ph.D

The freedom Jesus spoke of to the Jews was not about an independence from Rome but a freedom from the bondage of sin that was ruling their hearts.

The ' Kingdom of Heaven' that Jesus revealed was, as he said. "within you". It could not be found in gold, lust, or the things of the world.

The Jews around the time of Rome were seditious rioters who thought that their salvation depended only on Israel as a sovereign nation. Jesus knew that this was not the answer to their problem. Just take a look at the sovereign nation of Israel today, do you need anymore proof?


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