Matthew 18: 11 say, “For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.” The above scripture defines Jesus’ primary assignment which is to recover those held under the captivity of sin and turn them into righteousness. This includes those held under the grip of different sinful patterns – armed robbers, prostitutes, fraudsters, dupes, cheats, polygamists, lesbians, homosexuals, fornicators, smokers, drunkards, idolaters, imposters, greedy, envious, and covetous and so on. These are categories of persons who the bible describe as unrighteous and who would not inherit the kingdom of God. However, the Son of God has appeared on the scene to save mankind from the danger that lies ahead.

To be able to escape this dread, it only becomes reasonable that every estrangement caused by sin in the life of anyone be corrected. No wonder, Sister Grace Ojeme (who testified of God’s intervention in far away Egypt), narrated how she had usually accepted being guilty of any sin mentioned by Pastor Lazarus Muoka for fear of living with un-confessed sins. Pastor Lazarus Muoka’s methodology has been to itemize the number of untoward actions and unwholesome deeds which qualify as sins. After highlighting the dangers and implications of these sins through the word of knowledge, he identifies those guilty of such condemnable practices and asks them to voluntarily surrender to a new life in Jesus Christ. Sister Grace Ojeme usually raised her hands in acceptance of each sin as itemized by the servant of God. For example, Pastor Lazarus Muoka would declare, “Those into armed robbery, raise your hands up.” Sister Grace would raise her hands up. “Those into stealing, raise your hands up.” She would also raise her hands up and so on. She said that her reason for raising her hand for all the sins mentioned was because she could have offended God one way or the other though inadvertently. That actually did not imply that she was into all the sins as mentioned by the man of God.

But Sister Amarachi Joy Ejims was actually lost – at least, she owned up to it. Her explanations attest to this fact. She virtually delved into every area of sin – name them: lesbianism, smoking, drinking of liquor, fighting, quarrelling, prostitution, abortion, unforgiveness, terrible anger, spirit-ism, cultism, voodoo-ism, marine kingdom practices, making sacrifices at river sides, incantation, gangster-ism, complicity, fornication, adultery and so on.

Sis. Amarachi Joy Ejims during her testimony

However, the mercy of the God of Chosen has proved decisive in her case. Today, God had healed her of a myriad of sicknesses she gathered while in her wilderness of sin. The God of Chosen healed her of ten years madness, swollen stomach, and multiple fibroid as well as deliverance from the spirits of crabs, ants and snakes invoked upon her as reprisal from an ex-lover and then the spirit of death as a consequence of her nocturnal visits to the graveyard and mortuary where she had gone to consult with the spirit of the dead.

In this incisive interview with the Chosen News Magazine, she laid bare her involvement in sinful patterns in all its ramifications. Her revelations are chilling and eye opening. Below are excerpts of the interview. Read on:

C. N. M: You are welcome to this office. May we know you please?

Sis. Amarachi: My name is Amarachi Joy Ejims. I am from Ngor-Okpuala in Imo State. I was born on August 12, 1997.

C. N. M: Can you give us a brief analysis of your journey into sin and wickedness?

Sis. Amarachi: I was living with my parents in the village up till the time I was eight years old. Then my uncle came from Lagos and when he was returning, he took me along with him and brought me to Lagos. That was how I started living in his house. He was married to a woman who did not yet have any child for him. The woman belonged to a marine kingdom though he did not know. And that was the reason why she did not have any child for him.

C. N. M: You did mention that your uncle’s wife was a member of a marine kingdom without him knowing it. How then did you come to know about it having just come from the village?

Sis. Amarachi: She confided in me and told me. That was when she also began to tell me that the only condition that would make her conceive was that she would bring someone that would substitute her in that kingdom. That was how she initiated me into the kingdom. Then I started seeing myself inside flowing rivers and ocean. As a confirmation that her involvement was responsible for her inability to conceive then, she conceived and gave birth to three boys at a stretch.

C. N. M: So, how long did you live with the family?

Sis. Amarachi: I lived with them for 19 years. For all that period, they did not train me in school. She used to show me love and shower me gifts even more than her children. Yet, she did not deem it wise to send me to school.

C. N. M: What then happened thereafter?

Sis. Amarachi: When I turned 19 years old, I decided to run away. I ran to the police which in turn asked her to return me to the village. My uncle then returned me to the village. When I got to the village, I discovered that all my mates had already finished school and there was no way I could start from primary one at nineteen years. So, I started staying with my mother and going to farm.

C. N. M: Was your decision to stay in the village a permanent one?

Sis. Amarachi: I wouldn’t say yes because when I turned 21, I came back to Lagos and lived with one girl from my town. Shortly thereafter, I started hawking oranges. Then I veered into selling ‘gala’ and then her boyfriend who rented house for her started making advances to me. This brought quarrel and I left.

C. N. M: What step did you take then?

Sis. Amarachi: I registered with an employment agency and they got me a job as Housemaid. One week into the job, a Calabar girl who worked in the house before I came in fought me and stabbed me on the neck and I left the job. She saw me as a threat to her continued stay in that house because of the dexterity with which I carried on my duties. The boss spent nearly five hundred thousand naira (N500, 000) to save me from the injuries I sustained in that fight. I did not leave the job immediately after the fight. Because of the enormous amount spent on my treatment, the owner of the house and his wife reached an agreement with me to work without pay for certain duration as a way of paying back the money spent on my treatment. However, what forced me out was that thieves usually invaded the house coupled with the fact that the man was making advances; I decided to quit the job.

C. N. M: How were you able to survive then?

Sis. Amarachi: I began to stay with a relative who we refer to as Brother. I had no alternative then. There he began to make advances to me every night. One night, he wanted to force himself on me and in reaction, I broke his head with a bottle. He called in the police and afterwards I left his house and went to live in a white garment church. From there, I got a job in a restaurant. While there I met a young lady that usually patronized our restaurant. She used to give me tips. One day, she gave me her business card and asked me to call her. However, I told her that I did not know how to use phone. So, she opted to come and pick me up to her place in Ikoyi. She told me that she liked me a lot and would like to take me to her house in Cotonou to ‘clean’ me up. Meanwhile, I had already confided in her that my family was in difficulty financially and that I needed to do anything to help my family. She asked if I could work with expatriates and I responded in the affirmative. Then she asked me to leave the restaurant job and follow her to Cotonou. That was how I left the restaurant job and followed her to Cotonou.

C. N. M: What was the job when you got there?

Sis. Amarachi: First, we stayed in her apartment. Then she took me to the market and bought wears for me as a way of ‘cleaning me up’ as she promised. She also took me to some places of interest such as the swimming pool, zoo, amusement park and other places of interest. Our seemingly good time even stretched to Togo and Ghana. Then we came back to Cotonou and she started to introduce me into lesbianism. She was obviously well versed in the art. Initially, I resisted her and questioned her about the moral implications of the act of lesbianism. However, somehow, little by little, I began to oblige her since she had already promised to take care of my family back home. Through her, I also learnt how to drink alcohol and to smoke cigarettes. There was a drinking joint in front of her house which was usually patronized by expatriates. At nights, we would go there to drink and smoke and to mingle with those expatriates.

There was also another girl from Benin who used to visit her also. That one knew that her friend’s stock-in-trade was lesbianism and milking expatriates dry. She actually wanted to drag me away from her. She wanted me to come and work with her. It was as if they dragged me. The one that brought me raised hell and arrested her friend with police. Later, they settled and she brought me back to Nigeria.

C. N. M: What did she eventually offer you on your return?

Sis. Amarachi: When I came back, I attached with a girl from my village that still lived with her boyfriend. One week later, I began to sell clothes with her. Whenever she was out, the boyfriend would begin to harass me sexually. One day, she returned and met us fighting and asked me to leave. I packed my things and left it with the neighbors. Then I decided to look for a job. On my way out on job hunt one day, I met the girl from Benin who brought me back to Nigeria at a filling station. She was happy and hugged me and told me how she had been searching for me even in my brother’s place. From the filling station, she took me to the place where I left my bag and I picked my bag and we went back with her to Cotonou – this time around, to her own house. She ran a beer joint and opted to employ me for a salary. I stayed in her house and worked for her. She could leave me and travel out of Cotonou leaving the business in my care. However, for three months she did not pay me. Five months, yet she did not pay. When I discovered that she did not want to pay me, I decided to leave her and return back to Nigeria again. During a particular period, she travelled again leaving me behind. So, I took the 100 French Francs that I derived from sales and dropped a note for her and left. I changed the money into naira and crossed into Nigeria border.

C. N. M: You seemed to have engaged in many travels all this while without actually settling down at a spot. What did you do this time around on your return from Cotonou?

Sis. Amarachi: I travelled to Abuja to meet my elder sister. I had in mind that I was going to meet my own, but I was disappointed to see her living with an old man. She was even the one feeding the elderly man. Two days later, I asked her to help me raise a structure where I would be selling second hand wares. She did and we started selling. Before I knew it, my sister started making trouble and even called in the police for me because I objected to her unholy relationship with that elderly man. So I left her house and moved to another relative from our village.

The man she was living with conspired with ‘area boys’ to raze down the structure I used as a shop. I later located another site, but street urchins ripped me off and collected the whole goods. The business folded up.

C. N. M: And you came back to square one again. How did you react this time around?

Sis. Amarachi: I decided to look for another thing to do and then met an Anambra boy who I narrated my problems to. He told me he was a pastor in one of the renowned bible believing churches. He assured me he would help me and would tell his sister to accommodate me. Unknown to me, the lady he referred to as his sister was his live-in lover. He later drove out his said sister whom he told me was stubborn. I later discovered also that he was not a pastor and that everything he told me about himself was all lies. The girl was actually sponsoring him. While I was with him, I was the one also sponsoring him with the money I realized from the business that just folded. He urged me to find a shop so that he would help me raise the capital. Meanwhile, he had started a motor bike business known as ‘okada’ riding. Three days later, he was apprehended by the police and his motor cycle seized. Sensing that he was in deep trouble, he urged me to come with him and that night, both of us ran away by night and returned to Cotonou. There we rented one room and we lived together. He began a confectionary business which took to the ship yard. At Cotonou, his fortunes began to change for the better and perceiving that other girls could snatch him away from me, I cajoled him into a blood covenant with me. We took an oath never to leave each other. From there, I became pregnant. I began to explain the need for him to get married to me since it would be irresponsible of me to bring home a child without being formally married. Meanwhile, I went home and delivered my baby.

C. N. M: Did he eventually perform the marriage rites?

Sis. Amarachi: He was actually giving excuses that his elder brother had spent quite a fortune on him including paying for a visa to travel which went down the drain. He feared his brother might not take his presence kindly hence he would not be able to bring his people down to my village. So, we agreed that I should trace him to Ado-Ekiti where he lived through the direction he provided. When I got there, I narrated everything to him. Meanwhile back home, his elder brother was being wrongly accused of using him for money-making rituals. So, he returned back with me to Cotonou and he took us down to Ado-Ekiti and gave us a room in his apartment. Two days later, I left for my village to look after my baby while they assured they would come to meet me in the village. Later, they arrived with the eldest brother, sister and the village head and did the introduction and wine carrying. Thereafter, I returned with them to his village in Ihiala. One week later, his brother left, we remarried behind to clean up the whole compound. Later, my husband began to flirt with girls and each time I asked him, he would lie. Then one day I caught him red-handed bathing naked with another lady. So, I decided to leave him. That was in 2002. I returned the baby who was about four months old to his family and left.

C. N. M: How did your family react to this latest development?

Sis. Amarachi: My father was not happy with me especially for abandoning my four moth old baby. So he chased me out of his house because of that decision to leave that child behind. On my part, I vowed never to return back to my unfaithful husband. Then I left for Lagos in 2003 and went fully into worldliness.

C. N. M: Are you saying that your involvement in sin and wickedness was not enough to classify you as being fully involved in worldliness?

Sis. Amarachi: All that while, I was into worldliness informally, but this time I made up my mind fully to be involved not minding the consequences. In short, I made up my mind to live my life anyhow having. Then I started staying with another boy whom I used to know at Cotonou border. He used to cross people at the border between Nigeria and Benin Republic. There, I dropped my things and lived with him and then began to sell food. The food business refused to flourish and this forced me into selling oranges which I had tried earlier on. While doing the business, another boy was secretly asking me out and I refused. One day he tried to touch me provocatively and I cut off one of his ears. From there, I was put inside police cell. I stayed for one week in the cell and my then sin partner otherwise referred to as ‘boyfriend’ came and bailed me and paid the hospital charges.

Thereafter, I decided to engage in something that could offer me good money instead of the peanuts I was getting doing all the petty business of selling oranges and food. I tried to seek the counsel of those around me to enable me take the best decision. It was then that I got the advice to go to a white-garment church. According to them, if I should go to the said church, I would be better off. So, I went and they baptized me in the water. They told me that after the baptism, people would begin to favour me. I stayed one year there, yet I did not see any favour. Rather, even the little I was getting before was no longer coming. Meanwhile, the evil spirit husband in my life which was the result of the initiation my uncle’s wife led me into, became more pronounced, gained more ground and was visiting me every Wednesday and Friday. And life was becoming increasingly frustrating.

C. N. M: Having seen that the baptism did not yield any fruit even after one year; did you consider the option of pulling out?

Sis. Amarachi: I was still being assured that all would be well and that it was a matter of time. Meanwhile, I was going for sacrifices every Wednesdays and Fridays. On each occasion, I would go with a white basin, white wrapper tied across my chest, packet of biscuits, seven raw native eggs, soft drinks, soap, etc. with all these items inside the white basin, I would then deposit the whole items inside the water and the water would carry them away.

C. N. M: At this point, you appeared to be going deeper and deeper into spiritual wickedness. What were you thinking about?

Sis. Amarachi: At that point, all that mattered to me was how to make enough money that would lift my family out of the abyss of poverty. To me, it did not matter how I made it. So, I was bent on pursuing this objective to a logical conclusion. I sought for other ways of achieving my set goals. That was how I I was directed to an Indian Temple in Jos. I was assured of getting whatever I desired if I should get there. However, when I got there, I discovered that the funeral of the man I came to see was going on. Information reaching me said that he died two days before I came.

C. N. M: That could have been a sign that God did not want you to continue on that path. Did you view that disappointment as a blessing in disguise?

Sis. Amarachi: As I said earlier, nothing mattered to me except how I would make it big. As a result, my sense of reasoning had become beclouded or engrossed with this thought. So, whether it was a sign or a blessing in disguise, I could not perceive it. In my further pursuit of my set objective, I linked up with someone who then connected me to the Rosicrucian Order of Mandamus in Port-Harcourt. I was given a form to fill and while they urged me to fill in the form, I tried to explain to them that I had a problem that needed practical and urgent attention and not the filling of forms. So, I left them.

C. N. M: Were you deterred at this point?

Sis. Amarachi: No. I believed that I could not get at one point could be available at another point. So, with this in mind, I went to a temple where the spiritual leader said that I would serve him for ten years before my problems would be solved. And thereafter, whatever I desired would be granted. He said that he is the perfect living master of the universe and the highest spiritual centre. Then I bowed down and worshipped him. There, they do not eat fish or meat or anything that has blood on it. I was taken to their secret room and baptized. I and others baptized with me that day sat with our legs crossed with a baton given to each person. We were asked to make incantations with the baton covered with red cloth. That was where I discovered that witches can even go on high tension wire to attack the children of God. To get to the master, all that was needed was to pluck a flower and make some incantations and he would be contacted. Once a person enters the village, it becomes nearly impossible to leave out of your own volition. I served him for five years between 2002 and 2006.

C. N. M: How then did you escape from the clutches of this obvious satanic sect?

Sis. Amarachi: There I met a man who I explained my situation to. He seemed to have a liking for me. He worked as a security man at the gates. Even himself could not leave. I talked him into helping me to escape. So, he assisted me and I left the place after five years. As I left there, I met another man who promised to help me. Then I followed him to his house. His business usually kept him away from his home during the week days. He only came home during weekends. He promised to help me start up a business and even opted to marry me. I declined the issue of marriage. So, he was not happy. When I tried to ask him about the business, he was not forthcoming, because I refused to heed to his marriage proposals. Then, he began to starve me. He would leave the house without dropping any money for my feeding even though he knew I was not working. He abandoned the home and then I started to date someone he introduced me to as his wife. One day after he had left home, I called in a vehicle and parked all his goods and left. I sold some and gave out the others as a way of getting even at him. He did not take this kindly and so, took my picture somewhere and afflicted me with moving objects, snakes, butterfly, crab, ants and fibroid and then my stomach became swollen.

C. N. M: Obviously, the situation you found yourself in at this point would deter anyone. Were you deterred this time around?

Sis. Amarachi: I had not yet made the money I craved for. So, even with the afflictions, I entered into prostitution. Before then, another man came with a marriage proposal. He used to visit me with bags of clothes. The first day, he gave me some clothes to sell. I sold all and returned all the money to him intact and he gave me peanuts. The next time, I sold his goods and shoes and left him before veering into prostitution in Porto Nuovo for one month.

C. N. M: This is another dimension to the whole saga. Did you say you entered into prostitution?

Sis. Amarachi: I said that I entered into the business of prostitution first in Port Nuovo for one month. It was not a pleasant experience. After all, I did not make anything after one month. Then, I went to Cotonou and indulged in the same business at a popular hotel called John K. I also went to Ghana for one week yet I could not make it. I came back to Nigeria and proceeded to Ibadan for the same reason. I also had stints in prostitution in Jos, Seme border town and Badagry.

C. N. M: What would you say was your most memorable experience in this business of prostitution?

Sis. Amarachi: At Jos, I met a gun trotting armed robber. He began to date me and brought me out of the hotel and opened a beer joint for me. There, he used to come and cool off with his gang members after their operations. I hired prostitutes to work in the beer joint so as to attract customers. One month after, the business folded. Police killed six of the robbery gang members remaining only my boyfriend. The police arrested him and brought him to my beer palour on hand cuffs and I was also arrested for complicity. On their way to the police station after they had arrested me, my ex-robber boyfriend escaped. I was then taken to Jos prisons where I spent four years. I was released in 2009.

C. N. M: From your story so far, you seem to have lived your entire life off men. What are your gains or regrets?

Sis. Amarachi: In all that I had gone through, I gained virtually nothing. Rather, I lived a most condemnable lifestyle. May God have mercy on me. I committed more than twenty abortions. I used to remove one foetus every month or even half month. I used to fight a lot. For example, if I am walking on the street and someone looks at me, I could go the extent of fighting the person or even arresting him. I had unforgiving spirit and quick temperament. I used to lie a lot. I could go to reverend fathers and collect money from them by pretence. I would tell them stories and make them believe I was sick and then they would give me money. I caused the disrobing of a revered father. He used to bring in different women to his apartment within the parish. So, I went and I went and reported him to the bishop who in turn disrobed him. He began to threaten to kill me.

C. N. M: You really entered into the world fully as you said. Are there other things you did that you have not mentioned so far?

Sis. Amarachi: Once, I went to the grave yard to make request at midnight. I wrote a letter to tell the dead that I needed money and power. I went with flower and seven coins and then the letter. I went to the grave of someone who was buried long ago and told him that I would marry him if he visited me. I wrote in the letter that they should visit me within seven days and cause me to come into their kingdom.

I also went to the mortuary with the same letter asking them to visit me within seven days. At the mortuary, I met a Calabar man who dresses corpses and he placed the letter under one of the coffins. After seven days, I retrieved the letter and placed it under my own pillow.

C. N. M: Did the spirits of the dead you went to seek their assistance eventually respond? If yes, what was the mode of their response?

Sis. Amarachi: Yes, they did response. It was a very grueling experience for me. I nearly died in that encounter if not that the grace of God proved sufficient in my life. In my sleep after the seventh day, I had several serious attacks both from the grave and mortuary. I saw men dressed in black and they tried to strangle me. I shouted and woke up and saw seven big crabs in the room and then ran out. My landlord and his wife were worried, but I did not disclose what I saw. I began to feel like I was going mad. So, as I slept again, the beings from the grave and mortuary came back and began to tell me that they did not intend to kill me, but only to ascertain my readiness to get what I had asked for. They said they were disappointed and that I would pay for it and then they disappeared. As I woke up, I developed symptoms of convulsion. After the attack, I went to a spiritual temple within Festac area to drink water from a flower pot. At the temple, I met the spiritual head and he anointed all my face and I became temporarily relieved.

C. N. M: What was the situation like within your family at this time?

Sis. Amarachi: My family was in chaos. We were not in unity. We were born seven boys and seven girls by the same parents. My father served a local deity known as ‘AGWU-ISI’ which killed all the seven boys in the family. Of the seven girls, none is married. We were always fighting one another. It was one of those fights that made me to burn a Lord’s Chosen apron which my younger sister brought home sometime ago. I pray that the God of Chosen would forgive me. We were members of the orthodox arrangement. So, I saw the bringing of the Chosen apron as an affront on the part of my sister. However, after burning that apron, my life turned upside down. Nothing I did seemed to work. It had been from one trouble to the other.

C. N. M: Tell us more about the activities of your ex-doctor friend.

Sis. Amarachi: It was the doctor friend who told me secrets why patients die in some hospitals. He had a standing mirror on which all patients in the hospital appear. He warned me never to enter into the room. But one day, he had an emergency and rushed out and I entered into the room. I was shocked to see the mirror. He used to capture the spirit of any patient he desires through the mirror. Immediately he did that, the patient would not survive no matter the treatment. Then he diverts the blood of the person to their kingdom. Physically, he might begin to administer drip, but then the drip would be of no effect. I used to send girls to him for abortion. One day, he showed me a lady that came to his office whom he gave money. He assured me that the lady would never marry though he bought a car for her and built a house for her.

The day he did abortion on me, my spirit left me for several hours and ascended into the first and second heavens and those around thought that I had died. These included young women that had come to do abortion. It was after narrating my experience in the spiritual realm that all of them ran away without committing the abortions which they came for. In that realm, I got to a point and Satan appeared, and began to accuse me and was dragging`me into hell. Then I began to cry and God sent an angel to rescue me. The angel warned me never to go back to sin as I returning back to the world. As I walked farther, I saw animals, people and trees and the angel told me that that was paradise. I stretched my hand to take some fruits from there and the angel restrained me. He said that if I should go back and live right, I would even enjoy more than that.

C. N. M: What an experience!

Sis. Amarachi: That was not all. I also had a native doctor boyfriend. He confided in me that stroke is projected by invoking of dead persons. Through the native doctor, I came to know that madness is projected through snakes, crabs, butterfly and ants. They go round people’s body a projected from grave yards. A native doctor boyfriend of mine confided in me that stroke is projected by invoking the spirits of dead persons and conjuring them into living souls. Another man I befriended used to clean my body with a white handkerchief. I tried to find out why he did that each time he met me and he said it was just to ensure he was properly cleansed. On the contrary, another person who I related this experience to said it was a ritual practice whereby he took my star, put sicknesses in my body or even make me barren in the event that I had no child yet.

C. N. M: From what you had disclosed so far, you appeared to have come across so many men while in the wilderness of sin – either in prostitution or as a live-in lover. In your own candid opinion, can you say specifically the exact number?

Sis. Amarachi: Honestly, I had slept with many men. It is uncountable. The number could be up to two hundred. I do not want to mention anything less or else I could be lying and which could bring God’s anger upon me. So, it is even safer that I mention a higher number than I mention anything less. I pray that God will have mercy.

C. N. M: So, what motivated you to make this confession?

Sis. Amarachi: The bible enjoins the redeemed of the Lord – those who He had redeemed from the hands of the devil, to say so. God of Chosen rolled away multiple fibroid, swollen stomach, ten years madness and moving objects from my life. That is the reason why I am making this confession cum testimony. More so, on Sunday morning, after a night vigil, I left by 4a.m. I was rushing to go and sleep. From a distance, I saw someone like an elderly woman squatting and seemingly urinating. Suddenly, what looked like a woman earlier on sprang up and this time became a huge man and stood upright and addressed me, “By the time I close your mouth, blind your eyes, you will not see what you will stand and say in that altar.”

He began to project arrows like fire on me. They were almost overwhelming me, but somehow I got strength and declared, “I am a Chosen,” three times. The attack persisted. Then, I started to sing, “Where is the God of my pastor power, deliver me right now.” Suddenly a force emerged and caused the wicked evil spirit to abscond and I began to feel some relief. At this point, I knew that this confession was overdue and needed not to be delayed.

C. N. M: Without any iota of doubt, it is obvious that the mercy of God saw you through the horrible pit of sin which you fell into. So, you have no option than to be grateful to this very God. What is your take on this?

Sis. Amarachi: Really, I am very grateful and indeed indebted to this very God who thought it necessary to locate a lost soul like me. Many people who did half of what I had done as at today had passed on. It is by the mercy of God. I also want to believe that I am a child of destiny. Beginning from when I was born, the glory of God had always followed me about. I noticed that there was an umbrella that that had three electric bulbs which followed me about, but since I started doing evil, the umbrella disappeared. My prayer is that now that I have repented of my sins, that God would restore the spiritual umbrella back in my life.

C. N. M: So, when did you eventually come to know about The Lord’s Chosen and when did you join?

Sis. Amarachi: I knew about The Lord’s Chosen since 2003, but I was born into an orthodox church and baptized therein. In 2003, my younger sister came from Port-Harcourt with a Lord’s Chosen apron, which I burnt. Thereafter, my life turned upside down. However, I joined The Lord’s Chosen during the crusade titled, “From Sorrow to Joy,” 2012 and became baptized on the 7th of July, 2012.

C. N. M: Considering that you desired money so much, but yet you were not able to lay hands on it according to your desire. If you were asked to make a wish, what will you wish that the Lord does for you? That He gives you money or what?

Sis. Amarachi: My prayer is that God will give me the grace to serve Him and to make heaven at last. I have come to realize that money is not everything in life.

C. N. M: Now, are you going to remain in Lagos or return to Cotonou as you had done severally? Where do you intend to live?

Sis. Amarachi: After this testimony, I am returning back to the village to stay with my mother and give her a helping hand in the farm. It had been a long and tortuous adventure. It is time to go home and rest and serve God with all my heart and make heaven at the end of time.

C. N. M: Would you like this interview to be made public? Will your family feel let down by all the information you had divulged?

Sis. Amarachi: The essence of granting the interview is for the whole world to know what I passed through just because I wanted to make it. It does not really matter how my family feels. What matters most now is that I had done the will of God and heaven would not hold anything against me.

C. N. M: Do you have any advice for young women like you who would like to tow the same path that you passed through.

Sis. Amarachi: My advice to them is that they should rather focus on God than on money. Money is not everything.



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