GOD OF CHOSEN AT IT AGAIN!!! Strikes two ritual killers dead via thunder

"What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31 KJV.

Not quite long ago, the chosen news magazine and other journals of the church reported an incident of ritual abduction that took place along Oshodi Express Way and ended up in a thick forest inside Ilorin in which the God of Chosen came via whirlwind and swept a presiding chief priest aside leaving him bleeding from the nose, badly bruised and battered and then setting our young brother Ekene Igwenagu free.

In fact, since of the Lord's Chosen, God has generally manifested via whirlwind, lightning and thunder mingled with fire to fight for the Chosen people. On lesser note just notes, just the mere declaration of "I am a Chosen" three times had proved sufficient to rescue endangered Chosen or "Where is the God of my Pastor?" In stubborn situations, had also proved decisive.

In all, the God of Chosen has demonstrated great consistency in delivering His people. Never has a real Chosen made the declaration of "I am a Chosen" and left unattended to by the angels of God attached to this ministry. No wonder, Pastor Fidelis in a revelation given to him about the declaration of "I am a Chosen", has stated that the name 'Chosen' is the name given to Jesus Christ. In other words, mentioning the word 'Chosen' is as good as mentioning 'Jesus.' The difference though is that while everybody including the wicked can pronounce the name 'Jesus' an yet, not bank hundred percent on it efficacy to deliver them, the real Chosen will pronounce the word 'Chosen' with every assurance of deliverance an will have their way. Moreover, not everyone will believe in the name 'Chosen' and so that will ensure desperation of the chaff from the wheat when the chips are down - when it matters most.

In performing this covenant with Chosen people, God has never failed for once. That is why He is a consistent performer. And just two Sundays ago - 27th of June, 2013 to be precise, He re-enacted this consistency in a thick forest this time, located at Afikpo, Ebonyi State, South East of Nigeria.

In what started like a drama, Brother Innocent who was on his way to the church headquarter in Ijesha - Lagos was abducted by ritual killers. He boarded what seemed a commuter bus from Iyana-Iba coming down to Mile 2. On getting to Volkswagen Bus-Stop U-turn, the driver of the bus made a quick turn and started heading towards Okoko. He made to protest, but as he observed seconds later the whole occupants of the bus had fallen asleep - except him. Silently, he prayed in his heart for the God of Chosen yo intervene.

Surprisingly, a heated argument ensued between the evil gang members which culminated in the driver making another turn and this time, headed back to Iyana-Iba from where they picked the passangers. At that point, Brother Innocent exhibited the bravery and courage associated with the Chosen people. He grabbed the driver of the evil bus and he lost control of the steering and the bus hit another one that was in front. A scene was created which attracted some policemen that were around there and the men were apprehended and taken into custody. After fulfilling all the protocols, he came for service and testified how the great God of Chosen had delivered him and the congregation erupted with joy.

Meanwhile, he intended going back from where he left off the previous day when two men slighted from a black SUV Jeep and gripped him before bundling into the Jeep and sped off. They cast their spell on him and this time around, he passed out only to wake up to behold angry looking and hostile ritual killers squad and hoards of other people that were brought in to ne killed - inside a bush at Afikpo. Right in his eyes, a few heads where cut off as a way of sensitizing him on the fate that awaited him.

The chief priest took a deep look at him and recommended that he be kept aside as trying to kill him would take ample time. This they perceived spiritually. So, they kept him aside intending to come back at him later. Then around midnight, the unexpected and the expected happened at the same time. Yes, for the Chosen it was expected, but for them(ritual killers) they never envisaged that such could ever happen. But it did. Suddenly, a wind arose which aroused some curiosity, within seconds, lightening from heaven brightened up the whole place drawing the attention of everyone that was inside the building inbthe hush. Before they could understand the reason for all that, thunder mingled with fire struck and burnt up two guards that kept watch over him to ashes. They laid there stone dead. Brother Inno as fondly called by those who know him, needed no one tell him it was time to go. He took off inside the thick darkness running to nowhere in particular. However, because the God of Chosen was in charge, he got to a point where he received help and was also informed that he was in Afikpo. He was surprised.

The problem of the ritual killers actually began on Monday night when our G.O noticed the disappearance of the young man and called Dr earnest prayers for him. They compounded their woes further as they gave him a phone to call his wife to bid her the final good bye. Brother Innocent used the opportunity to send word across to our G.O who prayed all night for him. And today, the God Of Chosen has once again proved His covenant with ii G.O and His consistency in delivering the Chosen. When the G.O spoke to him via the telephone, he said, "the battle has been won." And today, Brother Innocent has returned victorious and alive; to the glory of God and to the shame of the devil. The question now remains, "What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31 KJV. Of course, no one can be against us.

1 Peter 2:9-10 KJV
"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: [10] Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy."

This is rather stating the obvious.No one can be against the Chosen of the Lord! Chosen Praise JESUS!


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