Delaware became the 11th U.S. state to legalize same-sex marriage, with Gov. Jack Markell signing the legislation into law
immediately following a 12-9 vote.

Prior to signing HB 75, Markell took to Twitter, congratulating those who fought for marriage
equality in his state:

Congrats to all who were successful in their advocacy efforts - marriage equality
is a reality in #netDE . #DE4M #lgbt #de
@eqde — Gov. Jack Markell (@GovernorMarkell)
May 7, 2013

Markell is also quoted by ThinkProgress as having told the crowd, "I do not intend to make any of you wait one minute longer."

Other lawmakers echoed those sentiments.

"This is a truly historic day for our state," Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) is quoted by the Washington Blade as saying. "The passage of HB 75 ushers in a new era of equality in our
state and marks an important moment in our state's history. I am incredibly proud."

The signing ceremony did not appear to have been televised, although The News Journal's
Doug Denison tweeted the following image:

@governormarkell preparing to sign #
de4m twitter.com/DoverDelDeniso
— Doug Denison (@DoverDelDenison) May
7, 2013

The first same-sex couples will be allowed to
tie the knot on July 1, according to reports.


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