Arab Muslim is new head of Jerusalem's top emergency room

In yet another story debunking the ongoing lie that In yet another story debunking the ongoing lie that Israel practices apartheid against the Arabs of the Israel practices apartheid against the Arabs of the region, an Arab Muslim was recently chosen as the new region, an Arab Muslim was recently chosen as the new director of the emergency department at Jerualem's director of the emergency department at Jerualem's Hadassah University Medical Center. Hadassah University Medical Center.

In addition to being one of the top hospitals in the entire In addition to being one of the top hospitals in the entire Middle East, Hadassah Medical Center is owned by the Middle East, Hadassah Medical Center is owned by the Hadassah Women's Zionist Organization of America. Hadassah Women's Zionist Organization of America.

And they chose an Arab to head one of their most And they chose an Arab to head one of their most important departments because he was the best important departments because he was the best candidate. Think about that for a minute, and then try to candidate. Think about that for a minute, and then try to convince yourself that Israel is an apartheid state. convince yourself that Israel is an apartheid state.

The new head of Hadassah's emergency services is Dr. The new head of Hadassah's emergency services is Dr. Aziz Darawshe, whose entire curriculum vitae reads like Aziz Darawshe, whose entire curriculum vitae reads like a rebuttal of the apartheid accusations. a rebuttal of the apartheid accusations.

Born to a poor farmer and an illiterate mother, in Born to a poor farmer and an illiterate mother, in addition to being part of the Arab minority, Darawshe addition to being part of the Arab minority, Darawshe and his 11 younger siblings nevertheless went on to and his 11 younger siblings nevertheless went on to great success in Israel. Among his siblings, Darawshe great success in Israel. Among his siblings, Darawshe counts three physicians, a dentist, an engineer and five counts three physicians, a dentist, an engineer and five sisters with university educations. sisters with university educations.

In an In an interview with the interview with the Jerusalem Post Jerusalem Post , Darawshe said , Darawshe said there is some discrimination in Israel. But when asked if there is some discrimination in Israel. But when asked if he had ever felt mistreated in his long medical career, he had ever felt mistreated in his long medical career, Darawshe answered an emphatic "No!" Darawshe answered an emphatic "No!"

Breaking the trend that so many anti-Israel movements Breaking the trend that so many anti-Israel movements are trying to set, Darawshe has studied Jewish history are trying to set, Darawshe has studied Jewish history and fully recognizes the Jews' right to return to this and fully recognizes the Jews' right to return to this land. "We were meant to live together," he says. land. "We were meant to live together," he says.

Rather than complain against the Jews, Darawshe Rather than complain against the Jews, Darawshe wants to see the Arabs transform themselves into a wants to see the Arabs transform themselves into a "stable, high-quality minority."

(c) Israel today


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