This is exactly something we Christians find so difficult to adhere to; "to unfriend the world." but we can not change what God requires of us. When Jesus was on this planet, He obeyed God by detaching Himself from the world. We fail to understand that the world does not love us; neither do they love God. Thus, the spirit that controls or rules the world is the anti-christ spirit. By so doing, every design and pattern of the world is laid up in a way that contradicts the God's principle and ways. "God is not a man, and neither was He created...He is a supreme being that does need anyone's rulership; He is a sovereign God that needs to be worshiped. He created us for a purpose, and that purpose is for us to worship Him. "..thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, for thy pleasure they are and were created Revelation 4:11. Like Israel, Christians too often yield to the influence of the wo...